Becoming a long-term care field ombudsman who advocates for adults in care is a big commitment, but for those who have the interest, time, and commitment to this important work, serving as an ombudsman can be very rewarding and meaningful. In addition to our volunteer ombudsman opportunities, Ombudsman Services of San Mateo County (OSSMC) has other volunteer opportunities for individuals and organizations. Below are activities volunteers may participate in:
- Fundraising Events. OSSMC is looking for fun people who enjoy organizing events. As part of an event planning committee, you can be involved in directing event arrangements, decorating, soliciting sponsors, finding items to auction, and more! Time commitment: Generally, participation in event planning extends over a six to twelve month period.
- Tabling at Community Events. Throughout the year, Ombudsman has tables at community events. As a volunteer, you would assist in table set up and work at a table, speaking to people about care issues and OSSMC. Time commitment: A few hours, depending on the event.
- Marketing. Assist with outreach and communication to local groups and communities to provide information on the services offered by the Ombudsman program. Ensure the community is aware of Ombudsman events to increase awareness of the program to all members of San Mateo County. Time commitment: Varies.